Friday, May 1, 2009



One of the items we have listed under GAP TEAM GUIDELINES (things to bring) is caps or headgear. Though as you can see from the pictures some of these can be quite creative and stylish our intention is more for protection. The sun can be very intense in Haiti and without protecting the top of your head from sunburn you may end up miserable for several days after being exposed to it. The glare of the sun is also much more noticeable here on the island and a wide brimmed hat, a cap or visor paired with sunglasses helps a lot. Another reason is most of the roads are unpaved covering your head can be very helpful in dust protection.
The range and styles of headgear can be very imaginative and we see the latest thing out of Cabello's, L.L. Bean and other purveyors of outdoor gear. These companies offer the latest options available such as U.V. rated and bug repellent clothing, caps and hats. While others may choose stylish hats off the rack from their favorite department stores. Then there are those who bring along their favorite baseball, farm or other special promotional/advertising caps. I tend to go with the caps myself when I'm out working or driving. When hiking I prefer the wide brimmed straw hats that protects my face as well as the top of my head. Handmade straw hats can also be found locally in most Haitian market areas if you forget to bring one from the states. No matter what your preference or personal style statement keep your head covered. In God's love , steve

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