Friday, July 17, 2009


The Son Shine Garden
This Spring and Summer gardening has been making a BIG come back in communities across America. These aren't new innovative ideas but a rebirth of historical concepts that were once important to communities around the world. The phrase community garden might be relatively new but during the depression years of the 1930's Greenbelt communities were an innovative concept to community self sufficiency. WWII brought us Liberty Gardens and into the 1960's and 70's the back to the land movement was born. The past several years has seen a resurgence of and interest in ideas with the phrase "Green Living".
My own church here in the states started a community garden called Son Shine Garden. The idea is to use some of our 40 acres to allow church members and others from outside the church to have garden plots. Excess produce will be made available at our food pantry and inside the Church Narthex on Sunday mornings. Some individuals and Sunday school classes have plots just for these worthy purposes.
These ideas have encouraged me to jump start some ideas I have long had about agricultural projects in Haiti. In fact part of the concept and one of our objectives for the new "Feet Across the Mountains Ministry" we have started is about developing innovative ways to help in food production in Haiti. Quite a bit of my postings over the next several weeks will be about this new ministry outreach , stay tuned. In God's love , steve

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