Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well as you may have guessed from yesterday's blog Shirley and I got home on Tuesday afternoon. Our arrival back here at our home in Indiana was one day past schedule but at least we arrived here safely. Tuesday was a miserable day with 40 degree weather and rain, Wednesday started out gray but by late afternoon the sun was out and it was a short sleeves day. Today is one of those days if you live in the Midwest that you just have to say "wow this is awesome" and think that Spring may soon be here to stay. The daffodils, crocuses, tulips and spring flowering shrubs are coming to life in all their Spring glory. The robbins are back and along with the overwintering birds are singing up a storm, what a wonderful wake up call in the morning. The buds on the maple trees are bursting and soon the leaves will pop out. The most dependable sign for us who live at Tri Lakes, Indiana is the arrival of the loons. They arrive here in late March and stay several weeks before moving on North to Michigan and Canada for the summer. We see them again in the Fall as they fly back the other direction signaling the approach of Winter.
My wife loves Spring as for me I agree it has it's beauty but too often it teases us with it's hope of better things (weather) to come and here in Indiana so often falls short of delivering on that promise till Summer arrives. Life is often compared to the seasons, with Spring representing that period of youth when we all have that promise of great things to come after all we are God's creation and he places that potential in all of us, Eph. 2:10. Myself rather than looking at life as a cycle that mimics the beginning and ending of the seasons, I rather think that life is like the trees, flowers, shrubs, and birds that I'm so enjoying this morning. That our lives mimic the seasons on an annual basis instead of lifetime. That each year we start with the promise of great things to honor and bring glory to God in. Possibly we will fall short like the weather in Indiana often does. Yet like nature we can recover in time to get back on track to producing the fruit God intended for our lives this year. In God's love ,steve

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